The Seven-Day Quran Challenge

How to complete this challenge

  1. Watch Day 1 Video (see link below)
  2. Print the Workbook PDF (link below)
  3. Complete the Day 1 practice in the Workbook
  4. Take the Day 1 Quiz (google forms) and get your score instantly.
  5. Repeat for Days 2 through 7
  6. Take the Final Test (Comprehensive)

Day 1 The "Quran" of Musa عليه السلام

Day 2 Six Beautiful Names of the Quran

Day 5 Miracles of Prophet Muhammad عليه الصلاة والسلام

Day 6 Miracle of Prophet Ibrahim عليه السلام

Day 7 Miracle of Prophet Jesus (Isa) عليه السلام)

Feeling lucky? Final Test (Comprehensive)